Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Genre of music by composers in different eras

Genre of music by composers in different eras

Generally we consider classical music has four different periods: Baroque period, Classical period, Romantic period, and Contemporary period.

This essay purpose to introduce the music style and genre in Baroque period, and how does it influence other period.

According to the music history book, we definite: Baroque is the term used generally to describe the art, architecture, and music of the period 1600-1750. (Craig Wright, Music in Western Civilization, USA)

The represent musicians in this particular period such like J.S.Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, and Claudio Monteverdi create a new music style that compare with Renaissance, which are “drama”, “opulence” and “grandeur”. These great composers enlarge the orchestra purpose to create dramatic and energy sound, a particular example is the orchestra playing for King Louis XIV even numbered more than eighty instrumentalist in a ensemble. People who read the score carefully will find these composers always created large-scale compositions, and lots of exuberant decorations. “Four seasons “ composed by Vivaldi, some motets composed by Corelli, vocal music by Bach… These great pieces really shows the music characters that this article mentioned before.

On the other hand, although today we admire these piece and composer for their “ grandeur” and “exuberant”, unfortunately people who live in that period consider these music revolutions are not necessary, they assume these pieces are extravagant and bizarre.

According to the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778),” A baroque music is that in which the harmony is confused, charged with modulations and dissonances, the melody is harsh and little natural, the intonation difficult, and the movement constrained.”

Nobody had predicted “ Baroque music “ could be a main stream even dominated for 150 years and influences whole music history.

In 19th century, Mendelssohn explored many keyboard works composed by Bach and admired how divine these are.

In 20th century, almost every composer had highly influenced by “Baroque” period.

Nowadays, lots of musicians are still trying to explore the music elements in Baroque period and how does it related to whole music history.

How to play Baroque piece traditionally?

How to inherent Baroque spirit?

These are the question we suppose to think about.